Promotions: cheap motorhome rental from La Roche-sur-Yon.

Do you want to rent a cheap RV, motorhome, converted van or campervan from La Roche-sur-Yon? Find our great deals at low cost at La Roche-sur-Yon to enjoy the freedom of traveling holidays. Take advantage of our special offers to book your motorhome from La Roche-sur-Yon at the best price.
Leave for 5 weeks
Get a 15% discount for any rental of 5 weeks or more.
Leave for 4 weeks
Get a 10% discount for any 4 week rental
Leave for 3 weeks
Get a 5% discount for any 3 week rental
🌟 Save 10% on Your Spring Adventure! 🚐✨
Take advantage of our special offer now: 10% discount on all rentals of 5 nights or more departing in May or June at selected agencies. It's the ideal opportunity to take advantage of the May bank holidays or June holidays to explore new horizons, with family, friends or as a couple.

Agencies: Bordeaux, Bourges, Brive-La-Gaillarde, Paris South-East, La Roche-sur-Yon, Chartres, Cholet, Le Mans, Limoges, Nantes, Perpignan, Rennes, Saint-Brieuc, Strasbourg, Toulon, Toulouse, Nîmes, Angers, Lannion, Clermont-Ferrand

Models: All the vehicles

Attention, limited time offer: To take advantage of it, make your reservation before 04/23/2024 12:00 PM

🌞🚐 Summer Super Deal: Save 20%! 🎉
Dreaming of a holiday this summer, but on a tight budget? Discover our exclusive offer for motorhome and van enthusiasts: 20% discount on all rentals of at least 5 nights in July or August from Lannion, La Roche-sur-Yon or Lorient.

Agencies: La Roche-sur-Yon, Lorient, Lannion

Models: All the vehicles

Attention, limited time offer: To take advantage of it, make your reservation before 04/23/2024 12:00 PM